Yesterday I wrote a bit about my attempt to make bread and the mess that resulted from that:) Today I bought new yeast and gave it another go and had much better success!!
Yes, this is wheat bread (whole white wheat to be specific), and no I can't have any of it, even though it smells so good in the house. I used to make a bread fairly often before I decided to go gluten free. My family (and I) really preferred the homemade bread to store bought, even my daughter would choose my homemade wheat bread over white. And about a month before my change over to gf I bought a Bosch mixer with the intent of making all of our bread/bread products.
I had been hurting for several months in all my small joints (feet, toes, fingers, wrists, etc) and kind of achy all over when I went to the Dr to find out why. I thought maybe I had some kind of infection or something going on. When the blood samples came back she asked if we had RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) in the family line, and we did - my mom's father developed it in his mid 40's.
So off to the Rheumatologist I went for him to tell me that I had the beginnings (mild) of RA and wanted to start me on meds. I wanted to do some research and wasn't sure at the time if I wanted to start the meds. In doing my research, some places suggested going gf to see if it improved symptoms. I knew I was allergic to wheat since I was a child, but since it didn't seem to affect me I still at normally up to this point.
Well, now I can say that for me, going gf really has helped a lot. I don't very often need to take any pain meds (Advil) like I had been doing before, and while I can still feel some pain and swelling here and there, most of it has gone away.
I'm at a point now though, that I'd like to start making my family their bread again. At the point where seeing and smelling homemade bread doesn't make me want to grab a loaf and hide in the back room eating the whole thing:) I know how I'll feel in a few days now, so that helps!!!
And here are the rest of them from today. Hubby says they tasted good too:) I didn't use any fancy recipe, just a basic whole wheat bread recipe. Hopefully I'll keep up with making this week after week and be better about it than I am the peanut butter!!! :)
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