Friday, September 5, 2014

Embroidery SAL - Part 1

Well, this is a bit late, but it's better late than never:)  I really had a lot of fun with this project (except those darn satin stitches!!!). It's nice to switch gears and do something a little different every now and then.  

Here are pics of my project for part 1 of this SAL...

 The red fabric is what I used as a backing for it.

The only thing I wish I had done different is to make all the roses red instead of pink. I'm not much of a pink kind of girl:) But over-all I just love it!! And the instructions were very easy to follow, which is a big help.

If you want to join in too, just visit Martina over at Sunshinequilting and see what this is all about!!


Martina said...

Oh Shannon, this turned out so sweet! Looove it!
Hugs Martina

Christine B said...

Hi Shannon! Your pincushion looks fabulous! I Love it!! :) x

lynn cockrell said...

Your pin cushion is just gorgeous. I really like its shape!

cucki said...

It's so beautiful my dear..
Hugs x

Flickenstichlerin said...

Dear Shannon, your pincushion looks very pretty. I would not Kind the pink.Greetings, Sylvia

Dawn said...

Your work is just lovely and by the end of the SAL we shd all be experts.