Joined another SAL, that is:) This one is hosted by Pull the Other Thread and is called Mega Mini Month Madness. It's goal is to light a fire under us to get some smalls done in time for Christmas. I am going to focus on a couple ornies to give away and a small project for a Christmas gift for my dd. The rules are that we have to post an update 5 times in the month of October and keep the projects small.
This is just what I need to get a couple of little gifts done BEFORE Dec!!! That way maybe I won't be so rushed right up to gift giving time:) Maybe this is just what you need too? You can still join in, but hurry, the deadline is TODAY!!!
I read the title and thought, "Oh no! I hope she didn't hurt her ankle again!"
I'm much relieved to read that it's a SAL instead!
So glad to have you along for a month of minis. I'm really excited about it, should be good fun. Looking forward to seeing what you work on.
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