Well, it's my day to post my 'Bird' project for this blog hop. First I want to give a big Thanks!!! to Madam Samm over at Sew We Quilt for her fun and inspiring blog hop ideas and also to Mary over at I Piece 2 - Mary for organizing and supporting those of us who wanted to join in on this fun theme!!!
As always, my mind got away with me. I always seem to come up with lots of ideas, and not enough time to get them done!!! So I have one project to show off that did get done, and another that I can only show the materials I (still) plan to use.
These two photos (top and bottom) are the same project. I was trying to get a good pic in the tree, but I live in Kansas, and if you don't already know, it is windy here:) Almost all the time!! So the bird kept swinging around and the top photo was the best I could get. What is really funny is that one of the (many) cats we have climbed up right after this to try and get the bird:)
Anyway, this cross stitch and sewing pattern is designed by 'With Thy Needle and Thread' and is named 'ABC Pinkeep.' I've done this one once before, but really love it and wanted another birdy to 'hang' around the house:) Plus, this time I had some bird material to us for the backing.
I bought this bird material a few years ago from a discount shop. I love the little birds riding in the wagons:)
And this is the project that I didn't get to. It would have been my first embroidery (if you don't count cross stitch as embroidery). I found the free pattern at 'Bad Birds' (and look around her website, because she has lots of really cute patterns on there). I still intend on doing this, in fact, I've already started it. My stitches aren't straight or even, by it'll give me some practice. I want to incorporate it into a bag using some of the fabric that you see behind it.
That's all from me, but please visit all the bloggers in today's hop...
Around the Homestead - This is ME:)
Beautiful stitching!!
Sweet little bird. I also like the motif with the two birds that you will embroider. I consider embroidery and cross-stitch two different crafts.
Your cross stitch bird is amazing! Thank you for sharing.
Such a cute pinkeep! Have fun stitching the birds. Looks like a great pattern!
Beautiful work
Your cross stitch is really cute and love your embroidery pattern! Thanks for sharing!
What lovely cross stitch on your bird - it must have taken a long time. Thank you for sharing it with us. I look forward to seeing the other embroidery some time :)
Beautiful cross stitched bird ;)
Your bird is so cute. Thanks for sharing
Very cute little bird. I love the little birdies on your stitching too. I'm sure they will turn out beautiful too.
I love the cross-stitch bird, and I'm sure the embroidery project will turn out great!
Great stitiching!!! thanks for sharing
Very cute bird! I love the birdie wagon fabric too... a great find!
Very nice - thanks for sharing!
So sweet. I know what you mean about the wind blowing. I had trouble photographing my string of owls because it was breezy here too.
Aww sweet stitching x
Cute bird! it's windy all the time here too.
The little bird is adorable. Thank you so much for being part of the hop.
Great job !
I love to do both cross stitch and embroidery. Your bird is sweet and looks like it would be fun to make. Keep at the embroidery, it is my favorite type of stitching, the pattern you are using is sweet.
Lovely! Birds are always a charmer.
Ohhh so cute! Thanks for the link to your stitchery. What a great web site that is!
sooo darn cute..stitched bird will be nice too
Such a cute little bird! That fabric looks so fun and that embroidery piece will be beautiful when you finish it...I look forward to seeing it. :O)
Good picture of your bird. I know aboout the wind, living in Kansas. And we are finally getting rain this year. Thanks for sharing your birds with us.
Very nice!
Your cross-stitch is beautiful and kudos for finishing it as it must have taken a good bit of time to do. I know that with practice comes good stitching when dealing with embroidery. I call my beginner pieces "primitive" and "folky" so feel free to do the same as you practice. ;)
Thank you for sharing your birdies with us.
Very pretty :) Thank you for sharing!
Cute bird - I like the 'Bad Birds' pattern too and I look forward to seeing it finished!
Thank you for sharing!
Such a cute little bird. Too funny about the cat going up the tree to get your bird. : )
Oh my the fabric with the little bird perched on the wagon...:D
And your pincushion is just lovely!!! While using the same materials...I consider cross stitch and embroidery to be different....Hope you keep us posted on your progress of the embroidery! :)
Your little bird is so cute! You do really nice cross stitch!
I love the little bird up in the tree. Of course, as a cat owner (actually he owns ME) I was smiling about yours climbing up there to inspect it!
Your embroidered piece is going to look amazing on a tote bag so keep going with it. The stitching will become easier, trust me.
nice work on your projects
Pretty nice.Thanks for sharing!
What an amazing cross stitch bird. I've never considered cross stitch to be embroidery. I guess some people do. I've cross stitched for a number of years and never considered myself to be an embroiderer. I saw your adorable bench on 28 ct. I just started apiece of cross stitch on a green on 30 ct over 2. I cannot see it very well. I'm 61 years old and have some cataracts. So I'm going to have to get a magnifier so I can see better. I haven't cross stitched in years. I found a Kappa Kappa Gamma on 14 count that I had started to do again that I had done for a pillow for my daughter when she was in college. She has asked me to make a t-shirt quilt for her from sorority t-shirts. I'm going to try to make this small cross stitch to put in the quilt, too. I have one mom's day t-shirt and one dad's day t-shirt. Her dad and I have been divorced for 15 years. We recently became friends again and he gave me a second dad's day t-shirt with the provision that I have to make the quilt. Geez! Then things between us became very bad. He called yesterday and apologized. So I guess I need to start on the quilt for my daughter's sake - it's about her!
I adore your cross stitch and the birds in the wagon. I think you will be thrilled with your embroidery. The fabrics you have chosen the threads are beautiful.
Congrats on your daughter's graduation. You have done a great job! I hope she does some handiwork, too! Idle hands...
Thanks for participating in the blog hop and being a great inspiration and sharing your creativity. I hope to see you in more hops very soon.
Very cute birdies. ANd silly kitty thinking it was a real bird! My cat would have done the same thing.
LOL Your cat thought you made a birdie toy .Or a real bird. Was he mad when you took it away? I like the embroidery pattern. I hope you find embroidery as relaxing as I do.
Sweet! Be sure to post a picture of your embroidery project when done.
Sweet bird, I can see that the bag is going to be lovely, too! Thanks for being on the hop!
Tweet birdie:)
Love to cross stitch and hand embroider too:)
Very cute birdie! Love the fabric you chose. Great work!
A lovely bird, sweet fabric and keep on trying, you'll get the hang of stitching and your bag will be lovely too. Thanks for sharing.
Cute bird and the embroidery pattern is lovely. Thanks for the link.
Love your bird and the backing fabric, too. Good luck in your embroidery. Take your time and enjoy yourself. Thanks for the pics!
Hi!!! Love your cute little bird!!! Love the stitchery you have started on too!!!
Very pretty ! I d love to see the embroidered one too. Have fun
Your cross stitch is lovely
Very nice job. very pretty, thanks for sharing it with us.
Sweet bird. I love the bird stitchery that you have planned.
Cute bird--great stitching. I also love the embroidery pattern and will have to check out the site.
So sweet. Love the cute fabric. Thank you for sharing with us. :)
Love your little bird. He looks so natural sitting there on the log.
Lovely project thanks for sharing.
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