I just joined the 'Freedom Harvest Challenge' at freedomgardens.org
I'm really hoping that this helps keep me focused on our goals for in the garden this year. Since we moved to our 10 acres our goal has been to grow/raise/process as much of our food as possible. We are raising chickens (so far only for eggs as we have been too 'chicken' to slaughter any of them ourselves - we let the coyotes to that for us - YIKES), and we have 2 bull cavles that we'll take in for slaughter and processing when they are big enough. I did pretty well in the garden the first year, but last year I did really badly, planting more weed seeds than veggie seeds:(
So this year our plan is to expand our garden by more than twice the origanal size (I'll measure it when we get it all plotted out) and I am also wanting a couple 4x4 raised beds for salad greens and herbs. I figure the raised beds will be easier to cover when it is too cold or too hot. We would like to add some fruit trees/bushes as well, but so far haven't gotten to any of that. I did get my seeds ordered though. We order all of our seed from seedsavers.org because all of their seeds are heirloom and if I ever get around to it I'd also like to start saving seeds from my garden to use from one year to the next. One thing at a time though:)
I ordered....
green beans, broccoli, carrots, ground cherries, cucumber, cantaloupe, okra, peas, zucchini, pumpkin, spinach, watermelon, basil, chives, cilantro, cauliflower, sunberry, and several varieties of lettuce. I will buy potatoes, onion sets, tomato and pepper plants locally. I just can't keep tomato and pepper plants alive when growing from seed and I have a place where I can get heirloom tomato plants locally, but not the peppers. It'll have to do.
Anything else I've missed?
I'll be keeping an update here of my progress in the garden/kitchen.