Monday, June 24, 2013

Toddler blanket FINISHED!!!

Actually, I did get this one done last week like I said, I just haven't gotten on the computer to post about it:)

Here it is!!! I really love the color combination and I got to a point that I was able to do this sea shell pattern in my sleep!! This will go to my friend with instructions to use or give it away as needed:)

And here is another that I started, only in girly colors. I'm not quite halfway done on this one. I'm hoping to have it ready for my friend when I take the other one to her. She currently has twin toddlers in her care and while I'm not sure that she'll keep these for them, I'd like her to have that option:)

Tomorrow I'll post a late WIPocalypse post of the stitching I've been working on!!


cucki said...

looking so lovely x

SoCal Debbie said...

Gorgeous blankets! You are so talented!