Well, I never did promise that I would be good at keeping up with blogging (or anything else for that matter, you should see my laundry pile!!! :) However, I am going to try to do this once again. I'm pretty sure no one reads here anyway, but even if not, it is fun to go back and read what I have written and it makes me feel that I have actually accomplished something to go back and see pics of my stitching and other things.
So I have a few pieces to show off. I'm pretty sure I've finished a few other small ones as well, but I can't remember now (SEE? I should be doing this more often, if for no other reason than to help me remember what I have done!! :) hehehe.
These will all be made into ornaments as gifts for Christmas. Once I get them all sewn up, I'll put another pic on here. This first one is from Brittercup. I did this one for an exchange, but did another just like it (though half the size) for my dd as she really likes it too. She has a mini tree for her room and so the ornie needed to be really small.

This one is from Blackbird Designs and can be found in the 2009 ornie issue of JCS mag. I'm pretty sure I'm keeping this one for myself:) Oh, and I hand-dyed the fabric on this one and the next one!! The fabric looks different in these two pics, but it is really the same color and both look closer to the first pic IRL.

And this one is by The Victoria Sampler - Designs by Cathy Jean. I started this one thinking it was for me, but after my mil saw it, and said she really liked it, it became hers. Now, I am thinking I need to stitch this one again for me:).

I am also signing up to do a internet stitching challange. The challange is to start a new project everyday for 15 days, starting Jan 1st and blog about those projects over the course of the year, until they are finished. I WILL FAIL this challenge (at least the last half of it, I do have 15 projects to start), but it will be fun anyway. I have already picked out my 15 charts and have most of them kitted up (though I need a few fibers and fabric for a couple of the projects). I will need to wait until our LNS has their sale at the end of the year to get the few things that I need, but I am almost ready as it is. I think I will also add my older WIPs to the list as well, so that they don't become lost and forgotten!! After counting the WIPs I already have (and that I still would like to stitch. I have several that I just don't like anymore), I will be adding 8 more projects to the 15 new ones:) Well, like I said, I WILL FAIL, but that is okay, I really like stitching:)
I'm a nerd... I still check (and read) your many posts!
Well, I'm glad someone still looks in on me:) Hopefully I will be posting a little more often than every 5 months, LOL!! Got your Christmas card in the mail the other day, Thanks:) I'm running a little behind with all of mine, but should have them out by the beginning of next week.
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