Well, I am finally getting to posting some pics (and at the end is an explanation of WHY I am actually getting to this). This is what I've been up to the last couple of weeks...
This one is of my limited embordery scissor collection. I've had more scissors than these, but I loose them pretty quickly:) And look Marianne...I've still got the ones you gave me for Christmas!!! LOL Actually I keep pretty good track of those being that they are my favorite:) Notice that they are all 'wearing' their 'fobs'. I have NO idea why they are called scissor fobs, but I guess that is what the pretty beading is called:) The top one on the right side (the green and blue one) was made by Monique of 'My Mark Designs' and I won it through a give-away she had on Facebook. It is really, very pretty and goes with my 'Rose Tudor' scissors perfectly. The rest, I made and I love working with the pretty beads to make up things to match my scissors. The one on the bottom left hand side actually goes on the zipper of my purse. It doesn't have scissors that it belongs to (YET anyway;).

This one is a project that I started at the beginning of the year. A 'new year' project:) I'm about half way on it and it is another part of the 'Saltbox Scripture' series from Little House Needleworks. This one is "Blessed are the Merciful".

Here is a pic of a scarf I've been working on forever!!! I made my mom a blue scarf for Christmas and she really liked it. Said it was the first scarf she's had that didn't cause static, so she wanted another, but pink this time. Well, since I'm still learning how to crochet (I just used double crochet stitch in the first one) I thought I'd try something different. I've tried a couple different ways and I pulled them all out. They were okay, but just not what I wanted. So I'm now doing one row with double crochet and the next with triple crochet. It is finally working for me!!! :)

Here is the surprize I found this morning!!! My early morning routine is to get up with dh a little after 4:00 to make his breakfast/lunch and see him off. Then I stitch/crochet for a short while and then go back to bed. When I got to my room, this guy/gal was climbing out of a (rather large) hole in our wall. I didn't think to get a pic then (as I was freaking out!!!). But after he/she crawled back through the wall (hissing at me the whole time) and I called my dh and started looking in the basement to see if it went there, I did manage to calm down enough to get a picture. Our basement is one of those that you don't like to spend much time in and we've had to pull out most of the sheetrock because of mold, so that's why it is such a mess. Aparently that is exactly what this guy/gal likes!!! Well, I couldn't just leave it there, so I grabbed a couple broom handles (that my dd likes to play with - no broom, just the long handles;), and pulled it down into a trash can and put a box on it. I knew that wouldn't hold him though, so I put it into a cooler....

Do you think this will hold him? LOL :) I know they are pretty strong though, so I keep going down and checking to make sure it is still in there (I did unplug the drain hole in the cooler so it would have air). I have looked on-line and I think it is either a Kansas Glossy or a Western Rat Snake. Couldn't tell the difference between the two and wasn't going to open up the cooler to get a closer look. I know it isn't poisonous. It was trying to mimic a rattler, but I got a good look at its tail and there isn't anything there:)

Well, you now know why I couldn't go back to sleep (and why I may NEVER be able to go back to sleep!!!) and so I was up to put a new post on here!!! :)
It's already 8:00am here now anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter anymore that I couldn't go back to bed;0) I hope everyone is having a great day. Time to get something done for the day!!!
I'm worried about hanging out in my basement now! That would have given me a heart attack for sure!!! YIKES!
I didn't think I hated snakes, until I saw the size of yours! Its huge and theres no way I could have caught it being that big!
Lovely stitching start and scarf!
I have a lot of beads from a very short lived beading hobby and so I should learn to make my own fobs. Maybe we can get you up here some day and you could show me!
I'm going to comment twice. Would you please tell me whether it links back to my correct/current blog; www.octobereves.wordpress.com
THANKS Shannon! I'm sorry you won't be joining us on Saturday. Hopefully we'll meet up again soon.
I didn't think I hated snakes, until I saw the size of yours! Its huge and theres no way I could have caught it being that big!
Lovely stitching start and scarf!
I have a lot of beads from a very short lived beading hobby and so I should learn to make my own fobs. Maybe we can get you up here some day and you could show me!
I'm going to comment twice. Would you please tell me whether it links back to my correct/current blog; www.octobereves.wordpress.com
THANKS Shannon! I'm sorry you won't be joining us on Saturday. Hopefully we'll meet up again soon.
Julie, your first comment came from blogger, but your second comment went to wordpress. They both worked fine:)
Yep, I've never been too bad with snakes, if it had been a smaller snake (and had I known for sure what it was) I probably would have just picked it up and taken it outside. But this one was BIG!!! It is still in the cooler in the basement waiting for dh to get home and help me take it several miles away and let it go:)
You say it "tried to act like a rattler" which is something a hognose snake tries to do - but I don't think hognose get to be that large. I wouldn't think rat snake, because they are usually darker than that. Looks a lot like what we could call a common "bull snake" but I don't know if there is a more proper name for that.
I actually really like snakes - used to catch them when I was a kid and keep them in the house :) I think it prepared me for being a mother to boys... LOL! We had trouble last year with a water snake that kept coming up to the house and taking eggs out of our duck's nest. We finally caught him/her in the act... (and we just relocated the critter, didn't kill it - since it isn't poisonous)
OMG just seeing that snake. YUK! LOL! Sure cute stuff! Looks like you keep yourself busy.
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