This is the 3rd
WIPocalypse post for the year!!
Got some done this last month, but I was bad and started 2 new ones:) I'll start with those first. These two projects (actually there will be a third one as soon as I get floss for it) is for a group called
Love Quilts. They sign up children who have severe illnesses or disablities, find out what theme they want (like frogs, princesses, etc) and then people like me (or you!!) stitch something within their guidelines and send it in. They then make a quilt out of the stitched pieces to give to the children. The fun part is to see pictures of the children with their new quilts:) I've been wanting to do something like this with my stitching and I really like that you can sign up for different projects when you have the time/interest so that you don't have to be stitching for them all the time if you don't want to.

So this is my first on for this group. Can you tell what it is? LOL This one will be for a young man who wanted realistic looking frogs. This project will have 5 rain forest type frogs on it in the end. I have a bit more done on it since I took the pic yesterday. I really like the bright colors in this which is a real change for me. I'm using X's and O's 'Frogs, Frogs, and More Frogs.'

This is another project for this group. This will be flowers/vines in the shape of a heart when it's done. The other project that I'm waiting on until I have the floss is another heart shaped one. These will be for 'non-specific' quilts. They are pre-done for children that may not have 6 months to wait for a custom quilt to be done for them. So they are taking as many heart themed blocks as they can get and will then make as many quilts out of that as possible. This chart (and the one I haven't started yet) are both freebies from
I got a bit further along on my 'His Name Is Jesus' project. I was really hoping to have this finished, but I'm getting closer, maybe by next month it'll be done.

But I DID get this one done!!! This makes my 6th finish of the year!!! :) So this is 'Love One Another' from Little House Needleworks and was a part of my 2011 crazy challenge. It is so nice to be getting some of my older projects done!!
That is all for now, hope you are all having lovely, stitchy days!! :)