Outside my window... Cloudy, cool and wet. But we've needed the moisture. Last night some storms went through and we had some hail with it. One of our dogs does not handle storms very well and at about midnight she (our 75 lb. yellow lab) jumped into bed with my dd:) Dd was a little surprise, hehehe. I finally had to shut all the bedroom doors to keep her out as she just would not stay still and quiet. The other dog (about 80 lb chocolate lab) did just fine and would have slept through the whole thing if the other dog would have stayed calm:)
I'm thinking...about getting our garden in. We finally went and bought our plants last weekend, but haven't gotten them in the ground yet, and after the storm last night, I'm glad we hadn't. It's time though so hopefully the garden spots will dry out enough to allow us to get some planting done.
In the kitchen...I really need to try to make some gf bread again. I tried 3 different times in one day a couple weeks ago and each time failed!!! I used to make our whole wheat bread, but this is so different from wheat/yeast breads and I just need to keep trying. I REALLY want a sandwich:) Guess I know what I'll be doing this weekend, besides the garden;)
Creativity this week included... Worked a little on the crocheted bag but mostly worked on a stitched bookmark for dd's 'Secret Sister'. I'll post a pic soon as we will be giving it to her today and dd gets to find out who her 'secret sister' is today.
My reading indulgences... I've begun to read through the Bible following a one year plan. I'm doing pretty well so far, but I mostly skimmed Genisis as I've been through it by myself twice in the last 2 years and once with dd for school, so I pretty much knew it:) I am also reading a V.C. Andrews book from the library. I haven't read any of her books for years (probably about 10 years). It's okay, but a little weird.
Around the house... It's a mess, again, or still, not sure anymore;0) DD and I have been gone so much this week that only the most necessary things have gotten done (like enough dishes to eat off of and enough clothes to wear). She has had 2 skating parties - one for Awana, one for Enrichement class, had her Awana program, a play date with friends, gymnastics/library day, and today her homeschool group has their last 'Secret Sister' party. Hopefully we'll be home this weekend:) Next week is much better as Awana is done for the year, no parties, etc. Just gymnastics and a 4-H meeting.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Project updates
Got a few minutes by myself right now. DD is just about done with school and so she is taking a break outside right now:) So I thought I would finally update with some of the projects I've been working on lately.
Here is a pic of our Passover table. The cute little lamb in the middle is to represent the 'Passover Lamb' since we've never cooked or eaten lamb before, we used this instead:) We kept things very simple, just mostly going over symbolism of things from the first Passover and how Jesus became our 'Passover Lamb'. (and yes, that is a big map on the wall:) We have a small house, so our living room is our dining room is our school room, is our computer room... you get the picture:).
Here are the scarves that I did. I really love the yarn (100% cotton), and how it had all the colors twisted together. They were really simple and quick to do, too:0)
Here is a little bigger project I've been working on off and on for a while. These are pieces of what will go together to make a blanket. Most of it will be brown with strips of cream and green. This is the softest yarn I have ever felt too, it will be so cozy once it is done.
I started this just playing with the extra yarn I had from one of the scarves, not knowing if it would work or not. I think it just might though. I'm making a back like this front and the red will form the bottom and sides to give the bag depth. I'll post a pic when it is done, if it works;).
I still want to do a post on our animals soon and I have a couple cross stitch projects that I've been working on that I'll post about once I get them finished. Oh, and pretty soon we've got to get the garden in so I'll post about that soon too (if we do much this year, we are trying to take it a bit slower in hopes that *I* don't get overwhelmed with it and just give up. Like last year, and the year before :).
Here is a pic of our Passover table. The cute little lamb in the middle is to represent the 'Passover Lamb' since we've never cooked or eaten lamb before, we used this instead:) We kept things very simple, just mostly going over symbolism of things from the first Passover and how Jesus became our 'Passover Lamb'. (and yes, that is a big map on the wall:) We have a small house, so our living room is our dining room is our school room, is our computer room... you get the picture:).

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